
When should my child have their initial consultation?

When it comes to braces for your child, the first step is a consultation with an orthodontist. Pediatric Orthodontists in Salado are equipped to provide the best care and advice for children of all ages. But when should you start thinking about scheduling that initial consultation? Pediatric orthodontic consultations typically start at around 7-8 years old, but this can vary depending on individual circumstances. In this article we’ll cover the different factors that determine when your child should have their initial consultation, as well as helpful tips for making the visit successful and stress-free.


Age Range

Early Treatment

Family History


Age Range

The American Association of Orthodontics recommends that children get their first orthodontic evaluation by age 7. This is because early detection can help identify any potential issues before they become serious problems. Pediatric orthodontists are trained to recognize the signs and symptoms of developing dental problems, such as crowded teeth or an overbite. When caught early on, these issues can be addressed with simpler treatments than if they were left untreated until later on.

Early Treatment

In some cases, a child may need to start treatment earlier than age 7. If your child has a severe problem like crowding or an open bite (where the top and bottom teeth don’t touch when the mouth is closed), then your Pediatric Orthodontist may recommend earlier treatment. Depending on the severity of the case, your Pediatric Orthodontist may recommend a two-phase treatment plan. The first phase focuses on early intervention to address any issues before they become more severe. The second phase will typically begin in adolescence and involve full orthodontic treatment such as braces or aligners.

Family History

If there is a family history of dental misalignment or crooked teeth, it’s important to be proactive and have your child evaluated earlier—around age 6 or 7—instead of waiting until age 7 for their initial consultation. This can help ensure that any underlying issues are identified and treated as soon as possible, helping to prevent future problems from occurring.


The initial consultation with your Pediatric Orthodontist is an important step in ensuring your child’s oral health and development. While the American Association of Orthodontists recommends scheduling a first orthodontic evaluation by age 7, this age range can vary depending on individual circumstances and family history. Early detection can help prevent more serious problems from occurring down the road, so if you notice any signs or symptoms of developing dental issues it’s important to contact your Pediatric Orthodontist right away.


Q: What age should my child start seeing an orthodontist?

A: The American Association of Orthodontists recommends that children get their first orthodontic evaluation by age 7. However, this age range can vary depending on individual circumstances and family history.

Q: What should I expect at my child’s initial consultation?

A: At the initial consultation, your Pediatric Orthodontist will examine your child’s teeth, jaws, and bite in order to identify any potential issues and come up with a treatment plan. Your Pediatric Orthodontist may also take X-rays or photographs of the mouth in order to get a better understanding of how the teeth are growing and developing.

Q: Is it too late for my teenager to see an orthodontist?

A: It is never too late to get orthodontic treatment. While it is recommended that children have their first evaluation by age 7, teenagers can still benefit from orthodontic treatment and help improve the appearance of their smile.